Social Icons


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Anugerah tuhan


::  si coklat dan si putih yg comel menggigit lobak  !(>,^) kawaiii!!::

Friday, June 17, 2011


Recognize something??
The alphabet is incomplete without 'U'

"Without You" OST NurKasih The Movie....

Tanpamu hidup jadi sunyi
Tanpamu ku seakan mati
Tanpamu bagai malam tanpa bintang

Tanpamu aku akan tersesat
Tanpamu tiada lagi hasrat
Tanpamu seakan jantungku berhenti

Kau yang terindah dalam hidup ini
Dan tak akan pernah berubah selamanya
Aku terlahir hanyalah untuk kamu
Jadi pelindung dirimu

Tanpamu nafasku terhenti

Keranamu aku ada disini
Tetap bersamaku selalu disampingku
Untuk selamanya

 Kasih yakinlah kepada diriku
Sayang dan cintaku pun hanya untukmu
Dan takkan berubah untuk selamanya
Cintaku padamu 

source : Lirik Lagu Tanpamu – Sabhi Saddi ft Helena

::sweety greeny sleepy deepy ::

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day #2, Day #3

Assalamualaikum w.b.r.t

Selawat dan salam untuk nabi muhammad s.a.w
syukran ya allah...
engkau maha mengetahui...
di saat aku risau keadaan master aku sekarang...
kau ketemukan aku dengan seorang dentist yang mempunyai ilmu pengetahuan kejuruteraan gigi yang luas...
dan kedatangan dia sangat2 membawa kebaikan kepada aku dan kami... least sblm aku anta thesis n viva...
yes..dia sangat2 membantu...
yela before this aku just study dgn baca buku n journal @ website @ youtube je...
tapi klinikal @ aplikasi keadaan sebenar tu kurang...
ade la jugak dr.e n prof. yati tu  terang konsep2 klinikal mase kitorg g um tu...
tapi... dorg mmg pure dentist mind
n kitorg mmg pure engineer mind
slalu nyer ssh sket la nk sehati sejiwa kan

dr. ibrahim ni dental surgeon yg da berpengalaman hmpr 10 thn deal ngn pesakit n dalam mase same pernah keje kt manufacturing dental implant
so, die tau byk konsep2 engineeering tu n tau gak komplikasi die kt klinikal...
bagus2!...research synchronize with industry n clinical...i loike!!

semalam day #2
die terang pasal basic dental implant n osseointegration...
penerangan yg ringkas, padat n sangat penting
yela aku mmg jenis yg lbh paham bile dgr n lihat dari bace...
sbb bile bace jer... sorg ckp A, pastu author lain ckp B... n aku yg nek konpius...
n day #3 a.k.a hari ni
die wat special class ngn aku, kemey n faiz psl dental implant main concept, surgery n sume yg theory la...
n it's really valuable...
walaupun sbnrnyer aku da tau da sbb da bace sblm ni...
tapi bile org yg penah deal ngn keadaan sbnr tu cite balik..
ak lagi percaye...huhu...yer, aku ade mslh nk percaye kt satu2 bende tu slagi bende tu x diprove adalah betul
tghr tadi die kasi talk psl overview of implant design 
n ekcelli presentation tu mmg sgt2 berkaitan ngn research aku...
tapi bile da tgk presentation tu.....
aku jadi risau lak...byk nyer yg aku x amik kire dlm study aku...

ya allah...permudahkan lah master aku ini...
berikan lah aku keyakinan dgn apa yang telah aku lakukan untuk 2 tahun ini...
Permudahkan urusan thesis ku dan urusan viva ku...
semoga kami akan grad bersama2...

p/s: how dare u challenge me...i'll prove to u that i'll become better!...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day #1


Hari ni ni tulis dalam b.m lak...
penat dah berbual dlm b.i ngn pensyarah pelawat tu..

ok pensyarah pelawat dari eqypt tu da sampai!huhu
tengahari tadi
dentist dari eqypt yg sgt berminat dgn kejuruteraan dan mempunyai ilmu yang sangat meluas berkenaan kejuruteraan pergigian..

Antara point utama yg aku ley extract dari perbualan kami
-design of dental implant not really improve the performance of dental implant but surface treatment can influence more the successful of dental implant
-tapi hydroxyapetite (HA) coating is a backward study...huh? yeke? sentap je kan..sbb dr.rafiq tgh wat project tu..
-main/major complication was caused by the trainee...ok, that mean the the problem is based on clinical..hmmm, btl just minor influence je..
-to study the engineering of dental implant/ improve the successful of dental implant, we need to understand the properties and behaviour of the bone. If not, the bone will get menarik!

tapi ade yg lebih menarik!
punye la kitorg risau2 cmne nk entertain die...
n tetibe
die gtau there are three most important things in his life
2.internet implant
and he will live happily ignoring everything....heee..sonang je tu..dok je kt scholar inn tu

ok...dat all for dis day #1... 10 more days..huuu.hope that he will give benefits to me n for us. 


p/s: gediks croissant! =P nyum2 =)

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Assamualaikum and very good morning to everyone...(^,^)

The previous entry talk more about refreshment of inner soul...
So, for this time i want to share knowledge related to my field...
>>>BIOMECHANICS 'field' gituu~
cam pro la kan..hikhik...

" I'm in process of being [professional]"

so, by being not so pro this easier for me share the informative knowledge to others with the language not so high right....
yeees.. it's a satisfaction for me... to make community not related to the field understand that field 
(it's not mean that i'm not feeling good discussing that with the people that know everything, but both groups -the innocent group <didn't know anything about that point> and hard core group <know everything about it> have  their own advantages to me; 1st group is to spread knowledge, 2nd group is to add knowledge)

ok, what exactly the definition of "biomechanics"?
these are some definition from dictionary

1. Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2011
-the study of the action of external and internal forces on the living body, especially on the skeletal system. 
-the development of prostheses 
-the study of the mechanical nature of biological processes, as heart action and muscle movement.
2. Collins English Dictionary
-the study of the mechanics of the movement of living organisms
3. Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 
study of the action of forces on the body
4.Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2007
-the mechanics of biological and especially muscular activity 
5.The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary 
-The study of the mechanics of a living body, especially of the forces exerted by muscles and gravity ontheskeletal structure 
-The mechanics of a part or function of a living body, such as of the heart or of locomotion   
6.The American Heritage® Science Dictionary 
-The scientific study of the role of mechanics in biological systems. The study of biomechanics includes the analysis of motion in animals, the fluid dynamics of blood, and the role of mechanical processes in the development of disease. 

Thus, to easy understand biomechanics is the applying of mechanical engineering concept in biological system.
Yeah...mechanical engineer just deal and repairing not alive machine but biomedical engineer (biomechanic) deal with human body and that the system is sooooo complex.. so, which engineer is more important? heeee~

ok2... already understand the meaning of biomechanics?
hmmm...may be right know u olz thinking of what is the application of biomechanics? n how it work n the future of biomechanic (biomedical engineer)?

......i will state it in the next entry (cam kasi lecture lak, hakhak) =p

p/s : yes, this road n this field belongs to me! .. I just need to dig it properly, swim skillfully n digest it properly

Thursday, June 9, 2011

X-men first class

Assalamualaikum sumer!...
heee...very deligent am i right?
every day want to update entry..=P
well, before we write the formal paper; journal, thesis, conference..
let's warm up with sempoi writing here...hehee
dr. rafiq said that our life as a researcher is to READ and WRITE...
so, let's enjoy reading & writing!...=)

weeee~ i already watch x-men first class!
SUPERB! BEST!PERFECT!( although that time almost freeze because that cinema was too cold)
hahaha...over sgt!
but, it totally true... best giler wa cakap lu...walaupun wa bkn nyer ikut sgt the previous x-men...heee~
so...let go to cinema watch it yourself...i dont want to review it...hikhik

This time, i just want to extract the moral values from the movie  =p

1) focus! (Erik a.k.a Magneto can move satellite, Havok attack the center statue, Banshee can fly when they keep focus)
yeah...we will success if we concentrate and stay focus with our job..
2) believe n be confident with yourself ("be proud to be mutant, " Eric)
Whoever u are, u have ur own strength.. Don't try to be others because u can succeed with by polishing ur stength
3) Teamwork (Xavier, Erik, Raven,Havok n banshee work together to fight shaw n the gang).
Let work together n help each other n insyaAllah we will succeed.
4)Revenge can harm life (revenge of Eric to Shaw is the beginning of all the fighting and its break the friendship of erik n Xavier)
Try to forgive others' mistakes if u want to live happily

hmmm...anymore??? not think yet
but...i'm interested with the 1st point : F.O.C.U.S
I think focus is same concept with 'khusyuk'
If you can khusyuk in your solat..insyaallah u can focus on your work...
just found the article discussing about the secret how to get khusyuk in solat
Let share together...(source from :blog)

1st : Be prepared when u take the wudhu'
-i-when we wash our face just ask Allah s.w.t to make our face glowing because of solah (hendaklah kita ingat ayat Allah yang bermaksud: �Pada hari yang wajah mereka ada yang putih berseri dan ada pula yang hitam muram.� (Surah al-Baqarah Ayat 106). Semasa itu kita meminta kepada Allah agar diputihkan muka kerana cahaya sembahyang)
-ii- when wash our hand, let pray " Dear God, give our record book from our right side.( “Ya Allah berikanlah buku catatan amalanku dari sebelah kanan.”)
-iii-when wash the hair/head . Pray to Allah s.w.t to be include in the protection (“Aku memohon naungan-Mu ya Rabbi pada hari yang tiada naungan selain naungan-Mu.”)
-iv- when we wash our foot, pray that Allah s.w.t to make it easier for us to cross the sirat mustakim. (“Ya Allah mudahkan aku menyeberangi titian sirat nanti.”)

2nd : Understand the meaning of sentences in solat 
-i-Inna shalati, wa nusuki, wa mahyaya, wa mamati lillahi rabbil ‘alamin. :
Indeed; my prayer, my religious worship, my life and my death are Allah's decision (Sesungguhnya sembahyangku, ibadatku, hidup dan matiku adalah milik Allah Tuhan semesta alam)
-ii-surah al-Fatihah : contain praises to The Generous Allah and The Loving and Caring Allah s.w.t (mengandungi puji-pujian kepada Allah Yang Maha Pemurah dan Lagi Maha Penyayang)
-iii-bow, iktidal and bow full rosary and praises of Allah (rukuk, iktidal dan sujud penuh tasbih dan pujian kepada Allah) remember the movement in solat is the symbol to show that we accept the decision.(ingatlah simbol gerakan itu menunjukkan bahawa kita reda berserah kepada qada dan qadar-Nya.)
-iv-When sits between two bow read the prayer;  Rabbighfirlii, warhamnii, wajburnii, warfa'nii, warzuqnii, wahdinii, wa'afinii, wa'fu'annii. and understand the meaning : Dear God, pardon me, bless me, make me sufficient, keep up my rank, give me good fortune, guide me, make myself healthy and forgive me  (Tuhanku ampunilah aku, rahmatilah aku, cukupkanlah aku, tinggikanlah darjatku, berikanlah aku rezeki, tunjukilah aku, sihatkanlah aku dan maafkanlah aku).

3rd : Forget about current agenda (Tepis dunia seketika)
-Avoid thinking about life in universe. (Kunci segala pintu yang memanjangkan angan-angan dunia dan tipu dayanya, kosongkan hati hanya untuk pertemuan dengan Allah.)
-“pray to Allah as if you can see Allah, if you unable see Allah indeed Allah see you.”(“beribadat kepada Allah seakan-akan engkau melihat-Nya, jika engkau tidak mampu melihat-Nya sesungguhnya Ia melihatmu.”)

4th : Pray as it is your last pray (Sembahyang yang terakhir)
Assume every time prayers shall be last in our life and how lucky we are if weended the breath when bow to Allah

p/s :
U r the magneto of my heart =)
it marvellous if  I can be like Xavier and make the panel examiner master tick A1 for my thesis n viva without asking any question....hehehe 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Assalamualaikum w.b.r.t

hehe...title post look like compilation of songs right?

but...this entry i dont want to compile my favorite songs..but compilation of daily doa
from page heliza helmi...hehe
ok, actually i think i'm respect heliza helmi...

do you know heliza helmi
ok, she is our local muslimah Singer/Actor/Model/Motivation Speaker/Producer/Bussinesswoman

why i said that i respect her because currently she use her facebook to share knowledge, advises, doa n motivation..
it good as she is public figure n many people view her account...
n in the same time she can influence many people to make good things n motivate each other .
syabas heliza!

i don't want to describe herself n talk about her page anymore but i want to make the compilation of doa from her facebook to this entry...
hehehe...actually it's a daily doa..
so, it's better for me to keep the doa here so it's easy to search it (hmmm... do i need to take approval from her?? hurm)..

The  doa is in malay...
may be if i have time i'll translate it...insyaallah

1.Doa diberi ilmu yang bermanfaat (khususnya ilmu agama)
"Allahumma faqqihna fiddin, wa 'allimna takwil, wahdina ilas sawa'is sabiil"
Ya Allah, kurniakanlah kami kefahaman yang mendalam tentang ilmu agama, dan ajarkanlah kepada kami ilmu yang boleh memahami sesuatu yang tersirat, dan tunjukkanlah kepada kami jalan yang sebenar2nya. :)
2.Doa dipermudahkan untuk jawab exam dan dikeluarkan dr kesempitan:
"Allahumma la sahlaa illa ma ja'altahu sahlaa wa anta taj'alul huzna iza syikta sahlaa". 
Ya Allah, tiada suatu kesenangan kecuali Engkau yang menjadikannya senang, dan Engkaulah yang menjadikan sesuatu yang susah itu sebagai senang. :)
3.Doa mudah faham pelajaran, diterangkan hati dan kuat ingatan: 
"Allahummaftah 'alaiya hikmataka wansyurla 'alaiya rahmataka ya zal jalali wal ikram". 
Ya Allah, bukakanlah untuk kami hikmah-Mu (kebijaksanaan) dan sebarkanlah kepada kami rahmat-Mu, wahai Tuhan Maha Agung dan Mulia. :)

4. Doa hindari rasa malas

اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ الْهَمِّ وَالْحَزَنِ وَأَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ الْعَجْزِ وَالْكَسَلِ وَأَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ الْجُبْنِ وَالْبُخْلِ وَأَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ غَلَبَةِ الدَّيْنِ وَقَهْرِالرِّجَالِ


Ya Allah,ssgguhnya aku brlindung kpd Engkau dr bingung&sedih.Aku brlindung kpd Engkau dr lemah&mls.Aku blindung kpd Engkau dr pengecut&kikir.& aku brlindung kpd Engkau dr lilitan hutang & kesewenang-wenangan manusia

5. Doa perlindungan diri: 
Bismillahillazi la yadhurru ma'asmihi syauin fil ardhi wala fisama i , wahuwas sami 'ul aliim.(3x)

Dengan nama Allah yg dgn namaNya akan terhalanglh segala sesuatu di bumi dan d langit utk menimpakan bencana dan ia Maha Mendengar dan Mengetahui.

6. Doa kesejahteraan diri:

Allahumma 'afini fi badani(3x)
Allahumma 'afini fi sam i(3x)
Allahumma 'afini fi basori(3x)
Ya Allah sihatkanlah badanku,Ya Allah sihatkanlah pendengaranku, Ya Allah sihatkanlah penglihatanku
7.Doa hujan : 
Allahumma soyyiban Nafi'aa- 
turunkanlah hujan bermanfaat.
8.Doa guruh:
"Subhanallazi yusabbihur ra'du bihamdihi wal malaikatu min khiifatihi"
Maha suci Allah yang mana halilintar bertasbih dengan memujinya dan begitu juga Malaikat kerana takutkan-Nya:)
9. Doa dipermudahkan urusan:
اللّهُمَّ لا سَهْلا إِلا مَا جَعَلْتَهُ سَهْلا وَأَنْتَ

تَجْعَلُ الْحَزْنَ إِذَا شِيئْتَ سَهْلا

“Ya Allah! Tidak ada kemudahan kecuali apa yang Engkau jadikannya mudah. Dan Engkau dapat jadikan susah itu mudah, apabila Engkau menghendakinya”
10.Selawat syifa (mengelakkan penyakit)

Allahumma salli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammadin,
tibbil qulubi wa dawaaaeiha,
wa `afiyatil abdaani wa shifaaaeha,
wa nuril absari wa diyaaeiha, wa'ala alihi wasohbihi wabarikh wasallim..
kredit to heliza helmi

insyaallah kita sama2 mendapat pahala berkongsi ilmu =)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

half year pass...

step on june mean u already go through 153 day in 2011 and u just have 212 days to 2012...
omg, time running too fast!
or u r too slow??

"time up"
"when ur turn?..aku bukan nak halau kau, but it a fact that u need to move forward"
"errr ok dr"
"dr. about dr.ibrahim the visiting lecturer that will come, rmc called to edit our application form ke dr?......................."
"ahh ko memang terror bab tukar topik ni"...
(huhu....that my bad characteristic : always runaway...not dare to face problem,reality)
>and i need to throw away that feeling, that trait<

//congrate to my labmate, my tutormate, my x-classmate, x-studygroupmate ; nazri for his master viva.n to my senior labmate; abang ardi for his phd viva. pls give ur aura to me...hehe//
//and happy besday to my labmate; fitd. may all ur dreams will come true//

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