Assalamualaikum sumer!...
heee...very deligent am i right?
every day want to update entry..=P
well, before we write the formal paper; journal, thesis, conference..
let's warm up with sempoi writing here...hehee
dr. rafiq said that our life as a researcher is to READ and WRITE...
so, let's enjoy reading & writing!...=)
weeee~ i already watch x-men first class!
SUPERB! BEST!PERFECT!( although that time almost freeze because that cinema was too cold)
hahaha...over sgt!
but, it totally true... best giler wa cakap lu...walaupun wa bkn nyer ikut sgt the previous x-men...heee~
so...let go to cinema watch it yourself...i dont want to review it...hikhik
This time, i just want to extract the moral values from the movie =p
1) focus! (Erik a.k.a Magneto can move satellite, Havok attack the center statue, Banshee can fly when they keep focus)
yeah...we will success if we concentrate and stay focus with our job..
2) believe n be confident with yourself ("be proud to be mutant, " Eric)
Whoever u are, u have ur own strength.. Don't try to be others because u can succeed with by polishing ur stength
3) Teamwork (Xavier, Erik, Raven,Havok n banshee work together to fight shaw n the gang).
Let work together n help each other n insyaAllah we will succeed.
4)Revenge can harm life (revenge of Eric to Shaw is the beginning of all the fighting and its break the friendship of erik n Xavier)
Try to forgive others' mistakes if u want to live happily
hmmm...anymore??? not think yet
but...i'm interested with the 1st point :
I think focus is same concept with
If you can khusyuk in your solat..insyaallah u can focus on your work...
just found the article discussing about the secret how to get khusyuk in solat
Let share together...(source from :
1st : Be prepared when u take the wudhu'
when we wash our face just ask Allah s.w.t to make our face glowing because of solah.
(hendaklah kita ingat ayat Allah yang bermaksud: �Pada hari yang wajah
mereka ada yang putih berseri dan ada pula yang hitam muram.� (Surah
al-Baqarah Ayat 106).
Semasa itu kita meminta kepada Allah agar diputihkan muka kerana cahaya sembahyang)
when wash our hand, let pray " Dear God, give our record book from our right side.( “Ya Allah berikanlah buku catatan amalanku dari sebelah kanan.”)
when wash the hair/head . Pray to Allah s.w.t to be include in the protection (“Aku memohon naungan-Mu ya Rabbi pada hari yang tiada naungan selain naungan-Mu.”)
when we wash our foot, pray that Allah s.w.t to make it easier for us to cross the sirat mustakim.
(“Ya Allah mudahkan aku menyeberangi titian sirat nanti.”)
2nd : Understand the meaning of sentences in solat
-i-Inna shalati, wa nusuki, wa mahyaya, wa mamati lillahi rabbil ‘alamin. :
Indeed; my prayer, my religious worship, my life and my death are Allah's decision (Sesungguhnya sembahyangku, ibadatku, hidup dan matiku adalah milik Allah Tuhan semesta alam)
-ii-surah al-Fatihah : contain praises to The Generous Allah and The Loving and Caring Allah s.w.t (mengandungi puji-pujian kepada Allah Yang Maha Pemurah dan Lagi Maha Penyayang)
-iii-bow, iktidal and bow full rosary and praises of Allah (rukuk, iktidal dan sujud penuh tasbih dan pujian kepada Allah) remember the movement in solat is the symbol to show that we accept the decision.(ingatlah simbol gerakan itu menunjukkan bahawa kita reda berserah kepada qada dan qadar-Nya.)
-iv-When sits between two bow read the prayer; Rabbighfirlii, warhamnii, wajburnii,
warfa'nii, warzuqnii, wahdinii, wa'afinii, wa'fu'annii. and understand the meaning : Dear God, pardon me, bless me, make me sufficient, keep up my rank, give me good fortune, guide me, make myself healthy and forgive me (Tuhanku ampunilah aku, rahmatilah aku, cukupkanlah aku, tinggikanlah
darjatku, berikanlah aku rezeki, tunjukilah aku, sihatkanlah aku dan
maafkanlah aku).
3rd : Forget about current agenda (Tepis dunia seketika)
Avoid thinking about life in universe. (Kunci segala pintu yang memanjangkan angan-angan dunia dan tipu dayanya, kosongkan hati hanya untuk pertemuan dengan Allah.)
“pray to Allah as if you can see Allah, if you unable see Allah indeed Allah see you.”(“beribadat kepada Allah seakan-akan engkau melihat-Nya, jika engkau tidak mampu melihat-Nya sesungguhnya Ia melihatmu.”)
4th : Pray as it is your last pray (Sembahyang yang terakhir)
Assume every time prayers shall be last in our life and how lucky we are if weended the breath when bow to Allah
p/s :
U r the magneto of my heart =)
it marvellous if I can be like Xavier and make the panel examiner master tick A1 for my thesis n viva without asking any question....hehehe