Time running so fast
1435h already came
New year in hijrah
That's means i already live in this dunya for almost 29 years if calculate in hijrah system.
This also means that i've stucked in futher study for about 5 months, ohhh almost half of a year....
And it a lie if i say that i'm not tired.
Yes, i'm redha with what had happened.
But, day by day.
I wordless to answered everyone's questions.
Because me myself always do not have the answer too.
Alhamdulillah i've got new spirit being with them.
In shaa Allah i will thabat in this road.
Oh Allah, please give me strength.
Ya ilahi, please bring courage to me to share ilmu to others and invite them to join us.
Ya rabb, please send me good soleh and solehah friends to accompany me.
Ya wadud, please give me soleh guy to be my soulmate, life partner, lovely zauj.
New intention, new me, new life.
Although you already fall for many times.
Just move on.
It's not belong to me.
And i believe that there are many better things wait for me upward.
In shaa Allah.
May this is the best time for me to move.
Jump higher.
I'm on the way to UM with them.
To broaden my mind.
Expand my opprtunitu of my future.
I still want that phd.
And indeed in my heart i still believe dentistry engineering is still choice to go deeper and deeper.
In shaa Allah.
If my destiny is here, in malaysia to further study.
I will accept that.
And i will study to become good researcher, better muslimah, better da'e, better lecturer.