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Sunday, December 16, 2018

Biomedical Engineering di Malaysia


Assaalamualaikum wrbt.

Siapa pertama kali mendengar perkataan biomedical?

Mungkin ada adik-adik yang sedang mencari kursus untuk dipelajari di universiti dan ingin tahu apa itu biomedical engineering.

Ok, biomedical atau bioperubatan ialah gabungan perkataan biologi dan perubatan.

Oleh itu, biomedical ini menjurus kepada kursus yang berkenaan dengan perubatan.

Ada siapa yang berminat nak masuk bidang perubatan atau nak jadi doktor, tapi dia takut darah, takut nak cucuk orang?

Haa, kursus ini sesuai untuk anda.

Ok, sebelum tu nak bagitau yang biomedical ini terbahagi kepada dua cabang yang besar iaitu biomedical engineering dan biomedical sciences.

Biomedical engineering lebih khusus kepada engineering @ kejuruteraan yang ada kena mengena dengan perubatan dan hospital.

Contohnya, belajar tentang mesin untuk mengesan sakit jantung (ECG), mesin ultrasound untuk tengak fetus dalam perut, implan untuk menggantikan tangan, kaki yang patah, dan sebagainya.

Manakala, Biomedical Sciences lebih kepada biologi seperti genetik, protein, virus, bakteria dan sebagainya.

Menarik kan?

Jadi, Antara universiti di Malaysia yang menawarkan bidang Biomedica Engineering ini adalah :-

Biomedical engineering

Biomedical Electronic Engineering

Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical engineering technology

Biomedical Engineering

Sila layari laman web tersebut untuk tahu lebih lanjut tentang kursus yang ditawarkan.

Jika ada pertanyaan berkenaan Biomedical Engineering, anda boleh kongsikan di ruang komen ya.
Terima kasih😘

Yang benar,
Graduate Biomedical Engineering (UTM)
First Batch.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Jazakallah khairan kathira dear supervisor

Dear my supervisor,
Thank you so much for your motivation and advices to us today.
I really really appreciate it.
Thank you Prof.
Thank you ya Rabb

1. PhD is one part of rezeki that Allah swt determine. We need to work for it, but only Allah can determine we successfully get it or no.

2. You can ask guidance from supervisor but the barakah of the ilmu, you need to ask owner of ilmu that is Allah swt.

3. How do you know you already deserve for PhD? You have add contribution to the body of knowledge

4. Ask Allah, Prof. teach us a dua

Allahumma inni dhaifun, faqawwini
Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku dhaif, kuatkan aku.

Wa zalilun faa'izzani
Dan aku hina, muliakan aku

Wa faqirun, faaghnini warzukni
Dan aku fakir, cukupkanlah aku dan rezkikanlah aku.

Thank you so much Prof.
I pray to Allah, may you always have good health and lead us to a better person.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

PhD Diary : Everything happened for reason


Currently, there are two students of previous supervisor in my lab.
Fabricate sensor same as mine.
They come here in sudden.
Just told me last week.

Ok, i'm not going to story more on them but..
Somehow, they bring help and hidayah from Allah swt for me.

Why i said like that?

Because, i aimed to finish my journey of PhD as soon as possible.
Yes, everyone want to finish their PhD.
But, do my skills, knowledge, confident, experience are enough to be entitled as Doctor of Philosophy?

In a journey of life and specifically PhD, everyone face different problems, hurdles and tribulation.
Some face from outside (family, health, money etc) and for me, Allah had tests me toward knowledge, supervisor, project itself and myself.

My PhD project is totally different with my master project.
That one is the big problem i need to face. Learn new things, new concept, new skills.
Different project, different supervisor.
And that supervisor was a contract lecturer here.
In my second year, he moved to another university.
And very busy so i cannot rely on him.
My supervisor here not so expert in the project that i do.

So many time i work alone. Discussing with my labmates.

Ok, back to the students that currently here.

There bring some light to me. Even open up my careless things unintentionally.

What is that?

1. They totally used the same method that i did based on my published journal.
And i just realize i did typo on the data.
And that is the data on how to prepare the material!!
It is big issue ok!.. How come i not aware of that before😖😖😖
5 g and 0.5 g is much different 😭.
And they are one case that followed my method.
How you can tell another reader 😪.
I felt so bad when realize that 😣.
Dear Allah, please forgive me.

2. They also test me on my skill, confidence, knowledge and so on.

Thank you Allah send them to me, even it said like they want to meet me to teach them, they taught me more.
May Allah bless our knowledge, our life.


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