Social Icons


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

welcome//selamat datang// ahlan wasahlan//hwan-yeong//Yōkoso//Bienvenue//willkommen

Assalamulaikum w.b.t

Pejam celik 2x
Dah bulan julai kan

Dengan izin-NYA...
Bulan julai
Bulan Syaaban 
hadir dengan bersama2 dgn ketentuan yg x disangka..

It totally true that...
..jodoh pertemuan maut itu semua ketentuan tuhan..

Dan pertemuan itu terjadi tanpa dirancang

"pka has moved to other home with her husband
and we are worried who will replace her to stay with us
suddenly faiz ask is it our home still available for his friend, dayu
n it is at right time right place
now dayu stay with us replacing pka
at the same time my cousin also get posting at bandar baru uda
just 30 minute from melana
nn currently she stay here temporarily before move to her rent house next month"

what a coincidence...

Syukran Ya Allah 
You know what is the BEST for your slaves

Semoga ukhuwah yang terjalin dengan izin-Mu ini sentiasa diredhai dan sentiasa diberkati oleh-MU..

Ahlan wasahlan SYAABAN..
Datangnya syaaban beerti RAMADHAN kian dekat
Semoga kita semua dapat mempersiapkan diri untuk menemui bulan teragung, RAMADHAN..

p/s : love u all =)

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