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Monday, June 14, 2010

half year

Already june..
what have i done for this half year
go to HUSM for the micro CT course,
two time go to UM to discuss the progress research
to MOA..
and work on analysis...
but i want to say is..
most of the time i just confuse
Coz many work that i aim not complete parallel with the target..

Ok2... focus2...
tadi kitorang kne g kursus reasearch methodology (slh 1 requirement tuk apply SLAB)..
hurm, walaupon ak da penah g kursus y sme mse awl2 msk postgrade tu..
ak rse b'syukur kne g skali lg as a tutor skrg sbb kursus ni mmg m'refresh'kan smule ak..
huhu..ak ni cam pahat sket, klu x di ketuk x laju ak wat keje.. akhir2 ni ak mmg cam ter'awang2 sket wat master tu...

ye la dlu mse g awl2 jd master student tu blur2 least skrg da wat bende tue bru rse SKILL tu pntg...

yes, to write thesis / journal we need organize work, to manage time...all need skill and one more important thing ; DICIPLINE...

haha...ape da ak melalut ni...
*ak mmg kne improve cara writing ak
* motive this entry to remind myself, dont play2...focus on your master, don't serabut2 and organize your work properly..=)


  1. sebab kau sepupu aku, aku nasihatkan kau taip penuh penuh lah. sms takpe la nak shotfom shotfom. sebab aku macam bengang jugak kalau baca tulisan yg taip tak berapa nak cukup ni. shotfom yg standard mcm ni ok lagi la.

    tetiba aku membebel kat sini kan. hahaha

  2. oppss...terime kasih la en.sepupu ats nasihat tue
    sowi r kenkadang x prasan t'wat wat shotform...hehe
    per shotform yg en.sepupu x phm dlm ni?



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